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Kids Elite Explores Science: Color-Changing Flower Experiment!

Dear parents and students, let's embark on an exciting science experiment together! The latest project undertaken by Kids Elite students involves exploring the fascinating phenomenon of color-changing flowers. Let's delve into this thrilling experiment!

Experiment Overview: In this experiment, our students will explore the process of color absorption in flowers through an engaging science experiment. This experiment will demonstrate how flowers absorb dye and undergo a transformation in color.


  • White flowers

  • Colored edible dye

  • Several small glass cups or bottles

  • Water

Experiment Steps:

  1. Prepare several small glass cups or bottles, adding some water to each cup.

  2. Add different colors of edible dye to each cup. You can choose various colors to experiment with, such as red, blue, yellow, etc.

  3. Place the cut stems of the white flowers into each cup, allowing the stems to soak in the dyed water.

  4. Allow the flowers to soak in the dyed water for some time, observing how they absorb the dye and noting any changes in their color.

  5. Once you are satisfied with the color changes of the flowers, remove them and place them in a dry area.

Why Does This Happen? This phenomenon occurs due to the process of dye absorption by the stems and tissues of the plants. The dye is absorbed from the water through the plant's transport system and transported to the tissues of the flowers, resulting in a change in their color.

Conclusion: The color-changing flower experiment not only astonishes our students but also deepens their understanding of plant growth and color changes through hands-on experimentation. We encourage students to bring this fascinating experiment home, share their discoveries with family, and continue exploring the mysteries of science!

The Kids Elite student science experiment project aims to inspire curiosity and exploration among children, allowing them to discover the joy and wonder of science through practical experimentation. Let's explore, learn, and grow together!

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