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Kids Elite Crafts: Paper Box Ball Game with Customizable Rules!

Updated: Apr 11

Introduction: Dear parents and students, let's embark on a creative journey with the latest craft activity from Kids Elite! This time, we're using paper to craft a box with holes, adding a ball inside, and creating an open-ended game where you can customize the rules and let your creativity run wild!

Materials Needed:

  • Colored paper or cardstock

  • Scissors

  • Glue or double-sided tape

  • One small ball (such as a marble or ping pong ball)


  1. Cut out the required size of the paper box base and four side panels from colored paper or cardstock. You can choose different colors or patterns according to your preference.

  2. Use glue or double-sided tape to attach the four side panels to the paper box base, forming a complete box structure.

  3. Use scissors to punch several small holes on the four sides of the paper box. These holes can be of different shapes and sizes to allow the ball to pass through.

  4. Place a small ball inside the paper box.

Game Rules: This game has an open-ended structure, allowing you to devise your own rules and objectives based on your ideas and creativity. Here are some possible ways to play:

  1. Time Challenge: See who can push the ball from one end through all the holes to the other end in the shortest time.

  2. Skill Challenge: Try pushing the ball through from different angles and speeds, and see who can do it with the fewest steps.

  3. Custom Challenges: Let each player create their own game objectives and rules, unleashing their creativity!

Conclusion: The Paper Box Ball Game crafted by Kids Elite students offers a fun and challenging creative activity. By creating the paper box and adding the ball, we not only inspire students' creativity but also cultivate their problem-solving and collaboration skills. We encourage you to try this engaging game at home and enjoy the fun of creativity and play together!

At Kids Elite, we're committed to enriching students' learning experiences through various creative activities and crafts, fostering their curiosity and creativity. Let's continue to explore, learn, and grow together!


簡介: 親愛的家長和學生們,讓我們一起來探索 Kids Elite 學生最新的創意手工活動吧!這次我們將使用紙張製作紙盒,並在其中打孔,加入一顆球,創造出一個開放式結局的有趣遊戲,讓您可以自訂遊戲規則,盡情發揮創意!


  • 顏色紙或厚紙板

  • 剪刀

  • 膠水或雙面膠帶

  • 一顆小球(如彈珠或乒乓球)


  1. 使用彩色紙或厚紙板裁剪出所需尺寸的紙盒底座和四個側板。您可以根據喜好選擇不同顏色或圖案的紙張。

  2. 使用膠水或雙面膠帶將四個側板黏貼到紙盒底座上,形成一個完整的紙盒結構。

  3. 使用剪刀在紙盒的四個側面打幾個小孔。這些孔可以有不同的形狀和大小,讓球可以通過。

  4. 將一顆小球放入紙盒中。

遊戲規則: 這個遊戲具有開放式結局,您可以根據自己的想法和創意來制定遊戲規則。以下是一些可能的遊戲玩法:

  1. 挑戰時間:看誰可以在最短時間內將球從一端通過所有的孔穴推到另一端。

  2. 挑戰技巧:通過將球從不同的角度和速度推進,看誰能夠以最少的步驟將球推到終點。

  3. 自訂挑戰:讓每個玩家自行制定遊戲目標和規則,盡情發揮創意!

結語: 這款打孔紙盒球遊戲為Kids Elite學生帶來了一個充滿趣味和挑戰的創意手工活動。通過創造性地制作紙盒和添加小球,我們不僅啟發了學生的創造力,還培養了他們的解決問題和協作能力。我們鼓勵您在家中嘗試這個有趣的遊戲,並一起享受創意和遊戲的樂趣!

在Kids Elite,我們致力於通過各種創意活動和手工製作來豐富學生的學習體驗,激發他們的好奇心和創造力。讓我們一起繼續探索,學習和成長!

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